A Message from the Pastoral Care Department

The Pastoral Care Department is pleased to welcome back all students, parents and staff. We would like to take this chance to introduce the Pastoral Care department to our new Sirius family members who have joined us in 2018. The Pastoral Care (PC) department aims to assist students socially, academically, spiritually and emotionally. Programs organised by the PC department include afterschool discussions, weekend programs, excursions, extra study sessions, sleepovers and camps. The teenage years can be a difficult time both for students and parents. The growth and well-being of students are affected by many factors and it is very important for us as adults to assist and guide students during this sensitive time. Through organising such programs as listed above, the PC department aims to help students reach their full potential and blossom into amazing individuals. The Book Reading Challenge is one of the programs organised every year. This challenge aims to help students gain a habit of reading. All Year 7 to Year 12 students are encouraged to participate in this program (details in image), with each year level having a different list of books and prizes for completion of each book.

If you are interested in the reading challenge, please see the relevant Pastoral Care teacher to sign up.

7A&B Hamide Beytur

Year 9 Seyma Yilmaz

7C&D Nurdan Karakulak

Year 10 Safiye Sertkaya

8A&C Esra Alver

Year 11 Edanur Baskocak

8B&D Nesrin Kurucu

Year 12 Kishwar Syeda

We hope that we have a fruitful year!
Pastoral Care Team